That I understand something does not make it okay.
That I understand why this is happening does not make it hurt any less.
That I understand why or how people might choose to be hurtful does not justify their behaviour.
That I understand how I’ve come to be so convinced of these people’s judgments and toxic utterances that I can hear their voices in my head and I’m convinced they would be judging does not make it okay.
That I know I cannot change people (nor do I want to) does not make their behaviour right and okay.
That I am aware I’m imagining these people’s judgments does not make my experience less real.
That I should have gotten used to this long ago does not make it hurt less.
That people believe it is okay to treat me in certain ways, that they believe they have the moral high ground, that they believe I deserve to be treated with judgment / passive-aggression / sarcasm, that they believe they are doing no harm does not make any of what they do okay.
That I can imagining their voices shooting me down when my mind tries to make a stand for myself only makes it hurt more, and does not make anything okay.
That I understand I may never be free of this does not mean I do not wish to be free of it.
That I know how people behave is outside of my control does not make it hurt any less.
I really don’t want them to base their impressions of me on hearsay and assumptions, to not bother to understand me, to behave as though hearsay and assumption are fact, to not care enough to examine their beliefs and assumptions, to be unfair, to take their resentment (from here and elsewhere in their own lives) out on me.
But I really have no control over this.
And it may very well be that no matter what I do this will not change.
I have to somehow be okay with this. Or in spite of this.
But why must I be strong?
Why must I fight?